A call to opportunity
Hello there! Thank you for taking the time to look at this special page! The reason you are seeing this page is because Etanni is looking to grow, and we would like to extend an offer as an endeavor for those that want to be a part of Etanni’s growth.
As you are probably aware of the current situation between EES and UNIFYD Healing, there has been huge shifts happening. While it came as a shock for most, it is for the future betterment of this technology that we shine light and awareness on the dark so that we may move forward. Moving forward means new possibilities…and new opportunities.
The opportunity…
By being a part of UNIFYD Healing as a center owner affiliate, we have been given the option to upgrade our current 12-unit EESystem to the new TheLightSystems (TLS) technology at no extra expense. In addition to that, TLS has a significant cheaper price difference compared to the EESystem and it’s units, 40% cheaper to be exact. While it is the same technology utilizing the same functionality, there are some added benefits to its system. For example, the increase of programs that have a wider range of spectrum for color therapy…not to mention the exponential benefits from 12 to a 32-unit system.
So the next question is, what is the goal?
Etanni’s Goal
To get 24 more units from TLS adding to our existing 12-units to make 32-units total. The biggest and most powerful system you can get.
The cost
24-Unit System = $75,000
50% Down Pay = $37,500
*Wait times are current at 4 months*
Looking for 7 investors
* Less per investor if more interest *
Lifetime Membership to Etanni
Exclusive investor discounts to current and future Etanni services
Exclusive access to an affiliate program in the works
open to other incentives per basis